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Category: Messages

What’s the Plan?

Here’s your sneak peek for our next series that will carry us through the Christmas season.  “God’s Plan A, Our Plan B” will start in Genesis and try to figure out what the Tree of the Knowlege of Good and Evil was all about and why such a simple thing was able to send the whole world into such a mess.  We’ll see what went into the Fall of mankind and the results.   We’ll then look at the results as we try to figure out whether we are now working on a legal standard with the Law and if that was God’s plan all along with us needing to look like Jesus.

Having looked at what we think we need to do, the series will then look at what God intended, what He did in response to our struggling and the steps God took to resolve the conflicts we created.  It will end with the birth of a baby that will be the center of a huge plot to change mankind for good.

We hope you’ll join us for this series as we examine the very way we approach this world, life, and God and perhaps learn something new and surprising.

Part 1-Debugging the Decision Tree

Part 2-Is it Legal?

Part 3-Looking Good?

Part 4-Unnatural Adaptation

Part 5-Make Up Test

Part 6-A Plan Comes Together

What Do You See, Amos?

We are excited to announce our February/March series as we dive into the book of Amos over the next 6 weeks.  Amos spoke to Israel during a successful time, but his message was a warning of what was going wrong during such “great” times.  The series will challenge us to understand our world today and our calling as God’s people.  The series unfolds as follows:

  1. Best of Times, Worst of Times (Chapters 1 & 2).  Amos has a message for all the countries, but the big ending hits home.
  2. All in the Family (Chapter 3).  A special relationship came with responsibility.  Faith had been broken.
  3. Holy Cow (Chapter 4).  A good economy and thriving religion should be good, right?
  4. And Justice for All (Chapter 5).  Amos explains the relationship between worship & justice.
  5. Getting Comfortable (Chapter 6).  What gets missed when things are good?
  6. Some Call it Treason (Chapters 7-9).  Ignoring God, and silence from Him.  Hope does remain.

We hope you will join us for this study as we dig deeper into God’s Word and hear what He is saying to us in our day to day lives.

‘Tis the Season

Christmas season is again upon us and we are looking forward to celebrating God’s gift for us and understanding what it means for us not only with God, but with one another.  We will have many chances to celebrate together this December.  Saturday December 1st (5:30 pm) we will have a special dinner, enjoy the children putting on a Christmas program, and shower one of our missionaries (Keith Jewett) with gifts.
After one more week of Swimming in the Desert, we will start our Christmas Series, “Gift Exchange” where we’ll see a real switch.
Part 1-A Poor Start
Part 2-The Substitute King
Part 3-Christmas Spirit
Christmas Eve-The Opposite of Religion.
Also coming up with be our choir’s Christmas cantata (details to follow).
We’ve also started a special Christmas series in our weekly podcast/Radio Show, The Corner of Truth & Life.
So join us, follow us, and together we will learn, grow, and celebrate the greatest gift mankind has ever known!

Do you know Love?

Our world is very short on love these days.  Loneliness, feelings of isolation, hatred & anger, and blame all fill our lives and social spaces.  The Bible says that God is love and that God loves us.  Why do we feel so bad if this is true?  What does it mean in real life, and day to day?  So we will spend five weeks seeking to learn and understand what it means, and how in a world so lacking in love, how we can thrive in love.  Or in other words, how to go Swimming in the Desert.  We hope you will join us Sunday Mornings at 8 AM or 10:30 AM.

i am…… (Summer Series)

We are excited to begin our summer series, “i am.”   We tend to think of sins as big bad things we do, and while that is true, our issues are much bigger.  We struggle with “falling short” every day in small ways too.  How do we deal with the tough moments of live and the different things that go wrong in our life?  This series will look at these issues and the role GRACE plays in the solution.  We’d love to have you join us on Sundays at 8 AM or 1o AM.

New Series for a New Year

Do you ever feel like you are struggling Spiritually?  Do you want to be a good Christian but sometimes feel like its too hard?  Do you feel like the world is against you if you believe in God.

The struggle is real.  Join us as we talk about it.

  • Part 1-The Right Fight (sometimes we fight the wrong one)
  • Part 2-The Long Game (its a marathon, not a sprint.  Sometimes we get stuck in the moments)
  • Part 3-Work Prayer (Who doesn’t struggle with prayer?)
  • Part 4-No Show (It shouldn’t be an Act)

The series will continue past 4 parts, so stay tuned!


Christmas Series

We are excited to announce our Christmas series that will begin with the first Sunday of Advent on December 3rd.  Whether they are candles or electric lights, we celebrate the coming of the Light of the World with many lights in this season.  Even those who do not know of His coming still put many lights on display.

We will look at the meaning, implication, and application of the original Christmas Light.  The series will culminate with a special Christmas Eve Service on December 24th at 6pm.    We hope you will join us all month.

Fall Series Announced

We are excited to announce our fall preaching series.  Called “War & Peace in Life,” we will look at how we handle conflict and how we make peace.  The goal will be to embed Peacemaking principles into our church.  This should be a good way to help us in our personal lives as well as making sure we preserve good unity in our fellowship.

The weekly titles are:

  1. War is Easy, Peace is Hard
  2. The Silver Lining of Conflict
  3. The Single Thing
  4. Pleading the 5th
  5. Everyone’s a Critic
  6. Flag on the Play
  7. Power Up

We hope you will join us starting September 10th (in the new auditorium).

August Mini-Series

With the conclusion of our Questions series this week, we would like to give you a sneak peek at the two-part series that will launch next week before Ira goes on vacation.  It is designed to get us thinking about our Fall ramp-up as we prepare to move into our new facility, implement the Assessment Prescriptions, and further pursue our focus on “His Mission, Our Mission, My Mission.”

The series, called “The Goal,”  will help us begin to focus on that mission.  Stay Tuned!!

New Arrival Annouced!!

We are excited to announce the next sermon series which will begin next Sunday April 2 and include the Easter Season.  We will take a break between Ezra & Nehemiah to focus on Christ’s coming and why He came.

This series, and the Easter holiday, will be a great time to visit for the first time or invite friends to come try out BCBC and hear a message that may get them thinking. It will present the Gospel in a way that is different than what might be expected.   It will also be a good challenge for regulars as we further examine what it means to live the Gospel life.

The first week “Seeking” will include an interesting look at the difference between faithfulness and fruitfulness.  This will be followed up the next week with “For This Purpose” which will look at a specific part of Jesus’ purpose in coming.  This will fall on Palm Sunday.

Part 3 will actually be on Good Friday, April 14.  The theme that night will be “The Cut of the Cross”  and will look at some of the conflict that comes with the message of the Good News.  Sunday will then be Easter and we’ll discuss “Here and There” which will help us examine our eyesight.  Second service that day will also feature a cantata by the choir.

The week after Easter we hit Part 5 with “Light & Dark” which will further discuss our sight as well as our heart condition.  The series will end up on April 30th with Part 6 “Glory & Hope” and we will take an interesting look at what glory means and how we get it.

We are excited for this April series and hope that you are able to join us for the study.   Bring a friend and join our community as we seek to know the One who came for us.

Looking ahead, in May we will be looking at “More to Restore” with Nehemiah.  Exciting spring!!