When Jesus came to earth, He was very clear why He was here. “For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” (Luke 19:10). In His three years of public recorded ministry, His primary accomplishment was to make disciples. These disciples went on to reach many others and make more disciples.
This is the Mission from God. Before Jesus left, he instructed His disciples to Make Disciples while going, teaching, and baptizing. He had made His Mission the church’s Mission. Our Mission.
We know that the Church is us. It is you, if you are a follower of Christ. Therefore, it is Your Mission.
Are you on Mission? Are you working to make a disciple? Over the next few months we are going to be working together as His church to fulfill His Mission. Our Mission. Your Mission.
That’s why we’re here, and if we’re not following and fulfilling His Mission, we are in fundamental disobedience to our Leader and His directive.
There are many things that we can do this year, but one of them will be to invite our friends to join us at Bean’s Corner as we pursue Christ. This Spring/Summer there are going to be many great opportunities to invite others to come and see what this is all about. We’re also going to keep working on helping give you the tools and encouragement to fulfil the Mission and spread the Good News of Grace.
This is our job so let’s get busy!!