Loving Justice

Most all of us love Justice.  Its a love we developed in childhood.  Especially if we had siblings.  Having four kids now, I am deeply familiar with this.  “That’s not fair!” is a common refrain.  Who got more treat, less chores, or any other inJustice is a big deal.

Ever get pulled over and fumed because someone else passed you earlier going much faster than what you are now in trouble for?  Ever even try to tell the officer that?   When you’re late and in a hurry, you are hoping no police are around.  When the guy behind you is in the same hurry and finally blows by you on the straight-away, you are praying for a police car up ahead, and if you then go by the guy stopped, you cheer a little inside (at least!)

We love justice….when it benefits us.
But we also love mercy, when justice falls on us.

You want the cop to let you off with a warning, you are not upset that you got less chores or more ice cream then your sibling.

That is our problem, especially in today’s partisan and angry society.  Many scream for justice as long as that justice does not fall on them.

God gives us a very very different perspective that as Christians, especially in our current American society, we would do well to dwell on strongly.
You are a cosmic criminal, and God, rather than mete out Justice upon you, showered you with Mercy and then threw in Grace as well.
We know this theologically, but we tend to forget it on Tuesday when we are on Facebook or talking with friends.  Jesus was very clear that after He has been willing to deal with us through Mercy rather than Justice, allowing Himself to (very unfairly) take the hit for our wrongdoing, that we should never forget that by setting aside mercy and pounding on Justice for others.
In fact, His warnings against doing that are STARK.  He told a story of a person who after being shown great mercy and forgiveness, was not forgiving himself.  The story doesn’t end well for that person at all.  Also, there is this,

For judgment will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgment.
(James 2:13)

As a result of our love for Justice, we will always readily for cry out for it when we are right and others are wrong.  Let’s not forget that while, on any one issue here on earth, you might be right,  in God’s eyes, you are a big pile of wrong and He was shown you mercy.  Let’s remember that each day.

For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
(John 3:17)


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