50 – Act III

If you don’t look in the mirror much, you can try to ignore the march of the years. I started graying twenty-five years ago, so looking old is nothing new. Turning 50 recently has captured my attention as those big numbers with zero on the end tend to do. Many hit this age and struggle. I’ve been thinking a lot about this particular milestone in the last month or two and have been developing some perspective. I call it “Act III”

Act I was the first 25 years. They were mostly taken up by learning. I graduated Bible college at 22 and moved back to Maine and by 25 I had completed terms of service in 3 different churches (with some overlap) and had done two-years of full-time Camp ministry. I had learned a lot. While I have never stopped learning, for narrative purposes we go on to the next Act.

Act II, or the next 25 years coincides with things settling down into more doing (while always learning). I was 26 when I arrived at Bean’s Corner to begin the ministry that has defined so much of my life. I was 25 when I became the “Assitant Director” of Camp Berea, and 28 when I became Director. Act II has been primarily about doing and serving.

Act III now arrives. More years lie behind than before. While I do not know the number of those years, I know an endpoint is coming. I will still seek to be learning. I will still seek to be actively serving, but Act III reminds me that the Play must come to an end. It is time to focus on the next production. I will not be in that one, but I can prepare others for it.

It is time to teach more, mentor more, develop others more than just continue to do my own thing. While I do not feel wise nor intelligent, God has been gracious enough to teach me many things and give me many experiences over the years. As I look back at 24 years at Bean’s Corner and 31 years at Camp Berea, as well as many other ministry experiences, I know I have perspective and ideas that may make the path easier for the ones that follow.

One thing I am sure of. While I hope to linger longer to finish bringing my children into adulthood and serving the Lord more, I know that whatever lies before is already enough. As I sit at the milepost marked 50, I am well content and filled with a sense of blessing. God has given me a much fuller life than I ever dreamed of when I was in high school or even college. I have been able to do so many things I never dreamed and most importantly, share in the lives and spiritual journeys of many men & women. I pray that Act III allows me to help prepare the next generation for fruitful ministry as we pursue the Mission of Jesus, to make disciples.

If you’ve been part of my journey so far, thank you!


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